where do I find information on the international covenant on civil and poliical rights for Jamaica ?

where do I find information on the international covenant on civil and poliical rights for Jamaica ?
I am seeking information on three treaties that were implemented in Jamaica. The international covenant on civil and political rights.
The American Declaration of the rights and duties of man
The elimination of all forms of discrimination against women


Happy Friday!

See additional information to your query on on three treaties that were implemented in Jamaica. The international covenant on civil and political rights, The American Declaration of the rights and duties of man and The elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.

In relation to your query, please see below some useful sources:




The UN Office Human Rights High Commissioner has a Jurisprudence Database that can be searched according to Country and Covenant. It is a very useful tool.

Inter-American Human Rights System


In relation to the inter-American human rights system, I would say there are several sources that can be used to find relevant information:

  1. The Country reports of the Commission - there is a 2012 Country Report on Jamaica.

  2. The Thematic reports of the Commission - which cover specific thematic issues.

  3. The judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights - Jamaica has not accepted the jurisdiction of the Court, as such there are no judgments on Jamaica but it is still a very useful resource as the judgments interpret important provisions of the Convention and the American Declaration.


I hope this information answers the query and is useful. 

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All the best.

Divine light and blessings

  • Last Updated Jun 14, 2024
  • Views 12
  • Answered By Daisy St. Rose

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